Sunday, November 24, 2013

Controlled Experiment

remediated (left) control (right)

Despite our efforts, in our experiment our controlled soil grew better than our remediated soil. It was close because both were growing but the lettuce in the controlled cup was taller and was beginning to grow faster. The lettuce in our remediated soil was limp and beginning to fall over whereas the lettuce in our controlled soil was much more straight up. We predict this is because in our efforts to help our remediated soil flourish we smothered it with too many chemicals. However neither of our soils produced very good lettuce as both only had three of the seeds grow and each only had two leaves at the top. The leaves of both were a light green and the stems were an off white with a tint of a greenish hue. They grew at about the same slightly below average rate but towards the last couple of days the controlled soil was distinctly becoming taller. Lettuce tasting different could be because of many factors. The location that the soil was from could have an impact because different organisms and factors influenced the development of the soil and the composition. We knew going in that we had soil that was at a disadvantage and had little life or beneficial characteristics due to where we had collected it from. Our lettuce probably would taste very toxic because we had to add chemicals in lrder to even the playing groun with the other soils. the taste Of remediated soil it could have changed based on different chemicals added. Depending on how much fertilizer was put in or if the fertilizer was organic or inorganic could effect the taste.
control (left) remediated (right) on the last day

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