Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Soil Moisture Test

Before putting our soil into the oven it was a dull brown color and our sample weighed 31.7 grams. After removing it form the oven it looked more crumbly and hard. It weighed 28.1 grams, meaning that about 3.6 grams of the original soil was water. With 3.6 grams of a total of 31.7 grams as water that would mean that about 11.35% of the soil was water. This goes with our texture results because based on our texture we figured it wasn't as moist as clay but it was not as dry as sandy soil. Since our moisture was a little less than average for soil it would confirm our findings of our previous tests that it is somewhere in between. Based on our soil and other groups' soil we felt there is a correlation because usually if the texture is more smooth and clay like it will also be more moist than a sand texture that is gritty and tends to be a little more dry. This proved true because we found that the groups that had clay had more water in their soil than we did. One of the groups that had clay had almost 5 times as much moisture as we had.

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